Cypress Essential Oil (Organic)


5 ml

Ingredients: Cupressus sempervirens L.
Origin: France
Plant part used: Leaves and branches
Source: Wild-crafted
Method: Steam distillation

15 in stock

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The Cypress Essential Oil by our producer is amazing, rich, beautiful and complex and I feel such awe working with this aroma.
It arrived at exactly the right time too. At the moment, the feminine in all of us is being asked to heal and come forward. Once this takes place, the masculine in us all needs to come into support the feminine. The problem is that many of us have wounded masculine sides, wounded by patriarchy, a cult of power that has colonized our mother lines, our bodies, nature, etc.

We must first awaken to our [feminine] needs, feelings and values. Then the masculine can grow up and say: I stand up for these needs, these feelings, these values. I shall put them out there in the world. I shall work with you in all your creativity” Marion Woodman

Cypress Essential Oil is the ideal oil to help us tune into and find a healthy masculine resonance. Its vertical energy runs from the base chakra up to the crown chakra, giving a feeling integrity and structure. This helps us to make decisions and feel supported and focused in life. I left it next to my bed recently and in the morning, I realized that I could hear the loving, guiding voice of my inner masculine. It was quite a revelation as I had been working on healing my wounded masculine for years.

Cypress oil is also associated with grief. The woodland god Silvanus, the divine companion of Cyparissus accidentally killed a stag, Cyparissus was consumed by grief and so Silvanus turned him into a tree and forever after carried a branch of cypress with him as a symbol of mourning.  We all need to honor the grief we are feeling collectively in the world today, the grief that comes from seeing the beautiful natural world being destroyed but we also need support for this deep grief, and this is where cypress can be very helpful. It stops us crumbling and giving up by supporting us at a very profound level with an ancient wisdom that can be felt like a deep hum connecting us to ourselves and the earth.

Sempervirens, the second part of the botanical name means ‘ever living’ and cypress trees have been planted in cemeteries in Europe as a symbol of eternal life.

Read more about Cypress essential oil on our blog Four Tree Allies for Empowerment

This oil is organic and distilled by a group of French medicinal plant producers and harvesters. Their mission is very strict regarding the environment, the conservation of plant resources and the quality of distillation. These producers are in rural, mountainous, non-polluted areas.


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