Flower Essence Summary Helps you to:
Apache Plume Lighten-up! Rise above the material limitations of life and gain a higher perspective.
Arizona Valerian Come back to your center. Get in touch with your intuitions and their subtle messages.
Banana Yucca Reconnecting with self and others. Connect with your innate power and enjoy sharing yourself with others.
Cliff Fendlerbush “Opening the heart doorway.” Bring life to a closed heart, get in touch with our deepest feelings.
Clustered Broomrape To become whole, we must own our own shadow. Identify and relate with parts of ourselves that have been hidden away.
Colorado Blue Columbine Dance your own dance, sing your own song. Have fun and enjoy being truly yourself.
Curly Gumweed “The wound is the place where the light gets in.” Stop identifying with your illness and look for the underlying message.
Golden Corydalis Awakening Soul.” Get in touch with your soul’s desires.
King Cup Cactus Manifest your Projects. Find the forthrightness, focus, sharpness and dynamism to manifest your projects.
Larkspur Let your Inner Guidance be your Compass. Find your strength and authenticity to move forward on your path.
Monkshood Be Compassionate with Yourself. Find the way to wholeness is accepting all parts of ourself.
New Mexico Beardtongue Patience as things take form in their own time. Allow the natural rhythm of life to play out.
Nylon Hedgehog Cactus Inner Strength. Find an inner force that does not rely on others.
Perky Sue Speak your Truth. Voice your creative urge with true expression.
Prickly Pear Cactus Maintaining Personal Space. Create boundaries and healthy distance with others.
Prickly Poppy Let it Flow from Deep Within. Slow down, relax and allow the unconscious realms to come through.
Pussy Toes You are Held. Remember that you that you are safe.
Sego Lily “The feminine is Rising.” Remind men and women to love and honor their feminine.
Flower Essence Summary Helps you to:
Tufted Evening Primrose “Lighten your Spirit and Connect.” Break patterns of negativity and anger and enjoy relationships.
Western Blue Virgins bower We are all a Star in the Night Sky. Connect to our inner most essence, our sacred self.
White March Marigold Let your Soul Shine Through. Remember that to be oneself is without danger.
Whole Leaf Indian Paintbrush Reignite the Inner Fire. Connect with your inner fire and your passion.
Wild Red Columbine Allow your Inner Child to Come out and Play. Get in touch with the playful side of your nature.
Wild Sunflower The Soul Warms us from Within. Feel the warmth of our embodied soul deep within us.
Wood’s Rose Self-love is the Starting point for Everything Else. Find our inner parent and love and nurture ourselves.
Yellow Stone Crop Feel the Joy of Natural Embodiment.” Feel the joy and pleasure of being one’s body.
Blends Helps you to:
Creative Expression Recognize, tune into and express your authentic creativity.
Love Thyself Learn to love yourself.
Safe Boundaries Keep your personal, inner space safe.
Soul Healing Release the old and move forward listening to your soul’s guidance.