Burdock Tincture (Wild-crafted)


1 oz (30ml)

Ingredients: Burdock (Arctium lappa) in 190-proof (95%) organic cane alcohol

Wild-crafted in New Mexico

Plant Part: Root

Method: tincture

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Burdock (Arctium lappa)

Burdock root is known for its diuretic and depurative properties. An excellent remedy to detoxify the body and especially the lymphatic system – it works deeply to help the body cleanse and heal boils and furuncles. It helps to eliminate uric acid and cleanses the liver, and the gallbladder. It is sudorific, diaphoretic, and choleretic – a brilliant blood tonic and blood cleanser. Commonly used as an agent to help the body restore itself and find a new sense of integration and balance. Like yarrow, it is commonly found on soils that need to regenerate and as it does to the soil, it does to the human organism. Burdock gets the waters and fluid moving in the body once more. 

Spiritually, burdock was one of the plants that the druids favored and later on it was counted in Europe as one of the plants of the solstice that were traditionally thrown into the fire on the night of Saint John (summer solstice). It was also used to protect against dark forces and the devil.  

Take a half dropperful twice a day in a glass of water.

We wild-crafted this tincture in Taos, New Mexico.


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